autodqm.dqm module

class autodqm.dqm.DQMRow(name, full_name, url, size, date)

Bases: tuple

property date

Alias for field number 4

property full_name

Alias for field number 1

property name

Alias for field number 0

property size

Alias for field number 3

property url

Alias for field number 2

class autodqm.dqm.DQMSession(cert, db, cache=None, workers=16)

Bases: requests_futures.sessions.FuturesSession

Encapsulates an interface to DQM Offline.

fetch_run(series, sample, run)

Fetch and cache a run data file.

Returns the path to the downloaded file.

fetch_run_list(series, sample)

Return DQMRows corresponding to the runs available under the given series and sample.


Return DQMRows corresponding to the samples available under the given series.


Return DQMRows corresponding to the series available on DQM Offline.

stream_run(series, sample, run, chunk_size=4096)

Stream and cache a run data file.

Returns a generator that yields StreamProg tuples corresponding to the download progress.

class autodqm.dqm.StreamProg(cur, total, path)

Bases: tuple

property cur

Alias for field number 0

property path

Alias for field number 2

property total

Alias for field number 1

exception autodqm.dqm.error

Bases: Exception